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# Title Author Published Year
54 Can My Same-Sex Attractions Ever Change?   2023
53 RIP Anne Heche, and Why Her Story Matters Arthur Christopher Schaper 2022
52 Trauma Treatment is the Goal. Sexuality change is often the byproduct.   2022
51 Absence of Behavioral Harm Following Non-efficacious Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: A Retrospective Study of United States Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018 D. Paul Sullins 2022
50 No Proof of Harm Peter Sprigg 2021
49 Two new studies may upend current attitudes toward sexual orientation change efforts Doug Mainwaring 2021
48 ‘Conversion therapy’ FAQ   2021
47 I lived as a sexually active gay man. By God’s grace I’m now married with 3 daughters Doug Mainwaring 2020
46 Ex-lesbian’s testimony: Jesus set me free from sexual sin   2020
45 False Assumptions about Science is the Basis for Conversion Therapy Bans Ann Gillies 2020
44 Former LGBTQ+ Activist Speaks Out in Defence of Gay Conversion Therapy JAMES PARKER 2020
43 Who Am I? Bob Ragan 2020
42 Former gay drug dealer speaks out about transgenderism in the US   2020
41 ESTIMONIES   2020
40 Changed by Love: The Untold Stories Tony Perkins 2019
39 CHANGED, once gay stories   2019
38 Woman Who Lived as a Man Embraces True Identity   2019
37 Evidence Shows Sexual Orientation Can Change   2019
36 Are Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) Effective? Are They Harmful? Peter Sprigg 2018
35 It is Not 'Pray Away the Gay'   2018
34 Effects of Therapy on Religious Men Who Have Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction   2018
33 Ten Good Reasons not to restrict therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction   2018
32 Changed #once gay stories   2018
31 Voice of the Voiceless   2018
30 Why the ex-gay movement provokes rage and censorship   2018
29 Study: Gays can change sexual orientation Michael Foust 2018
28 From Freedom to Marriage   2018
27 Interview With Former Gay Activist, Michael Glatze   2017
26 Ex Gays? An Extended Longitudinal Study of Attempted Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation   2017
25 Restored Hope Network : Testimonies   2017

We Do   Exist!

…. and the Plan   That You Never Find Out

Dr. David Kyle   Foster 2012
23 Homosexuality: Real Hope and Real Change Jeff Johnston 2014
22 The Gospel According to Jesus   Christ and the 'gay christian' Stephen Black 2012
21 Living with same-sex   attraction-Five Catholics describe joys, struggles of embracing chastity Dave Hrbacek 2012
20 De-Sexualizing The Deeper Needs of   Homosexuality Alan P.   Medinger 2014
19 Former Lesbian Petitions Obama to   Hear Voices of Those Christ Has Set Free from Homosexuality Heather Clark 2015
18 Journey of grace - From lesbianism   to the parking lot to church: An interview with author Marvin Olasky 2013
17 Greg’s Testimony ProFamily   Network.org 2011
16 Strengthened According to His Word DAVID H 2014
15 Feeling Not Quite Right Desertstream.org 2014
14 Overcoming Same-Sex Attraction Desertstream.org 2014
13 Finding True Identity Desertstream.org 2014
12 Confession Opens Ways Grace Desertstream.org 2014
11 How God Met My Pain Desertstream.org 2014
10 Positive Approaches To Healthy Sexuality    
9 The Truth About the Homosexual   Rights Movement Ronald G. Lee 2008
8 Men and Women Who Have Experienced Authentic Change in   Sexual Orientation Through Therapy that Works!    
7 Ex-Homosexuals Offering Truth and   Hope Bill   Muehlenberg 2014
6 Safeguarding the Rights of All   People with Unwanted Sexual Attractions Mario Bergner 2011
5 Working Session 10: Tolerance and   non‐discrimination II Mario Bergner 2009
4 Shouldn't same-sex oriented teens   be given a chance to change Michelle A.   Cretella 2014
3 What Research Shows: NARTH’s Response to   the APA Claims on Homosexuality James E.   Phelan Neil Whitehead Philip M. Sutton 2009
2 Protect Client and Therapist Freedom of Choice Regarding   Sexual Orientation Change Efforts Peter Sprigg  
1 Response to APA Claim: Efforts to   Change Sexual Orientation Are Harmful and Can Lead to Greater Self-Hatred,   Depression, and Other Self-Destructive Behaviors (p41-52) James E.   Phelan Neil Whitehead Philip M. Sutton 2009