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# Title Author Published   Year
91 Bake the cake—for good vibes? Maria Baer 2024
90 Is it true that Jesus said nothing about homosexuality?   2024
89 Pope Francis publishes norms for clergy to ‘bless’ homosexual couples Michael Haynes 2023
88 6 reasons Christians don’t support "pride"   2022
87 Truth is everywhere Craig A. Carter 2022
86 Does 1 Corinthians 6:9 Really Condemn Homosexual Sex? David Closson 2022
85 The truth of Scripture vs. modern ideals Calvin Robinson 2022
84 In the Marriage Debate, Let’s Make Sure We Define ‘Love’ the Same Way God Does Joseph Backholm 2022
83 Gender theory and the doctrine of creation   2022
82 What Christians Should Remember about Pride Month Joseph Backholm 2022
81 Is it time for “a theology of being fired”? Daniel Darling 2022
80 Is there only one biblical definition of marriage? Luke Wayne 2021
79 The inception of deception – pray for Elliot Page   2021
78 Why is homosexuality, LGBT a sin?   2020
76 How can the Church respond well” of   2020
75 Homosexuality and the early church Luke Wayne 2019

U.S. Bishop: God Gave Us Sex For 'Procreation of Children ... This Truth Is Not Homophobia'

Michael W. Chapman 2019
73 How to Minister to the LGBT Community: Wesley's Quadrilateral as a Guide   2019
72 Homosexuality and the Bible Rev. Dr. Michael W. Philliber 2018
71 WORLD-SHAKING WORLDVIEW Part One John Gagliardi 2018
70 Reader claims Jesus approves of his same-sex marriage Kari T. 2018
69 Reader claims Jesus approves of his same-sex marriage Tom Brock 2018
68 Where does the Bible say that Homosexuality is a sin? Luke Wayne 2018
67 Why did God make me gay? Matt Slick 2018
66 Nashville Statement   2017
65 What does the Bible say about getting a sex change?   2017
64 The Sexual Revolution left us free . . . to be miserable  Michael Wagner 2016
63 Obama Uses Bible to Support ‘Transgender Rights’ Gary DeMar 2016
62 Andrew Cain and the flag of revolution Dr Joe Boot 2016
61 15 Well-Known Pastors and Leaders Respond to the Question: “Is Homosexuality a Sin” Brian Orme 2016
60 4 Hard Questions about Homosexuality   2016
59 Religious-based Information   2016
58 How can Christians oppose same-sex marriage and yet pray and care for the LGBT victims in Orlando at the same time? Travis Weber 2016
57 Truth Wins Out...   2015
56 Raised by gay parents he shocked them by coming out   as a Christian-and then a Pastor   2015
55 Why We Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Dennis Rainey,   Bob Lepine 2013
54 What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? Lita Cosner 2015
53 Explaining Your Convictions About Homosexuality Adam Barr, Ron   Citlau 2015
52 Regarding Homosexuality Bob   Lepine 2013
51 Franklin Graham Warns Christians to 'Be Prepared'   for Persecution Following Supreme Court Marriage Ruling; 'It's Coming' and So   Is 'God's Judgement Upon America' SAMUEL SMITH 2015
50 Three Issues That Grieve Me More Than the Supreme   Court Ruling Redefining Marriage Dennis Rainey  
49 Answering Pro-Gay Revisionist Theology: Talking   Points    
48 700 Kenyan Evangelical Pastors Urge Obama Not to   'Preach' Gay Marriage Support During Visit; Archbishop Accuses Obama of   'Ruining' American Societ STOYAN ZAIMOV 2015
47 Leviticus, Jesus, and Homosexuality: Some Thoughts   on Honest Interpretation Rob   Schwarzwalder  
46 On Love, Homosexuality, and Sin: An Evangelical   Proposal Rob Schwarzwalder 2012
45 Christian compassion requires the truth about harms   of homosexuality Tony Perkins  
43 The St Andrew's Day Statement   2015
42 Belief Statement Regarding Homosexuality outpostministries.org  
41 Christians, Stand Your Ground Against Homofascism Matt Barber 2015
40 The Most Influential Essay You’ve Never Heard Of Joe Carter 2014
39 Why Is Homosexuality Bad in Itself? GREG KOUKL 2014
38 More Clueless Celebs Bill   Muehlenberg 2014
37 Jesus Didn't Say Anything about Homosexuality ALAN SHLEMON 2013
36 Response to Mr. Vines' conclusion on the Bible and   Homosexuality Matt Slick  
35 Matthew Vines on 1 Timothy 1:10 Matt Slick  
34 Matthew Vines on 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Matt Slick  
33 Matthew Vines on Romans 1:26-27 Matt Slick  
32 Matthew Vines on Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 and   Christians not being under the Law Matt Slick  
31 Matthew Vines on Genesis 19 and Sodom and Gomorrah Matt Slick  
30 Matthew Vines on Genesis 2:18 Matt Slick  
29 Matthew   Vines Matt Slick  
28 Matthew Vines, an introduction Matt Slick  
27 Christianity, Culture and Compromise Bill Muehlenberg 2014
26 Is disapproving of homosexuality and homosexual marriage spreading   hate? Matt Slick  
25 Kinsey, Darwin and the sexual revolution Jerry Bergman  
24 How Are Younger Evangelicals Responding to   Homosexuality? Rob   Schwarzwalder  
23 Why are Christians homophobic? Matt Slick  
22 Isn’t the Christian position to love homosexuals   and allow them to marry? Matt Slick  
21 Did Jesus talk about homosexuality? Matt Slick  
20 Desmond Tutu says that he would rather go to Hell   than be with a homophobic God. Matt Slick  
19 What are homosexuals supposed to do if they can't   change? Matt Slick  
18 The spiritual side of homosexuality Matt Slick  
17 Dismantling traditional marriage: a regressive step   for society Christian Concern  
16 My Spouse Struggles with Homosexuality Amy Tracy 2007
15 Why Christians Seem to Focus on the Sin of Homosexuality Jim Daly 2012
14 How We Dishonor God in Our Sex Lives Glenn Stanton 2004
13 Christian Love for Gays biblequery.org  
12 Christianity and Homosexuality Matt Slick  
11 What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Matt Slick  
10 Can practicing homosexuals be saved? Matt Slick  
9 The Old Testament Attitude to Homosexuality Gordon J   Wenham  
8 Gen. 2:18 and having a suitable helper Matt Slick  
7 Genesis   18:20, 19:1-12, 24 and Sodom and Gomorrah Matt Slick  
6 Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, and a "man who lies with a man" Matt Slick  
5 In Matthew 19:12, is being born as a eunuch a support for   homosexuality? Matt Slick  
4 The Condemnation of Homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27 David E.   Malick  
3 Does Romans 1 Condemn Homosexuality? Robin   Schumacher  
2 Romans 1:26-27 and Homosexuality Matt Slick  
1 The Condemnation of Homosexuality in 1 Corinthians   6:9 David E.   Malick