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# Title Author Published Year
32 New Quebec curriculum will mandate second graders learn about gender identity and LGBT content   2024
31 Court denies Maryland parents religious rights Liz Lykins 2024
30 Don’t use leftist words and definitions Matt Slick 2023
29 Redefining words to reengineer society   2023
28 “They must be vilified.” The astounding success of a gay rights strategy Thaddeus Williams 2022
27 Christians should boycott Disney’s new movie ‘Lightyear’   2022
26 Boom in LGBT content for children: Queer is in, Christian is out   2021
25 Lego Toys with More LGBT Extremism Tony Perkins 2021
24 School board president runs ‘all-ages’ sex toy shop   2021
23 Enough Already With Using Cartoons and Cookies to Sell LGBTQ Agenda to Kids Nicole Russell 2021
22 School Coloring Book: ‘Everyone Gets to Choose if They Are a Girl or a Boy or Both or Neither or Something Else’ Craig Bannister 2021
21 FRC Releases New Publication Showing Extent of Radical Sex Education in Schools   2020
20 Gay pressure group demands 1 of 5 prime-time TV characters be LGBT by 2025 Calvin Freiburger 2019
19 School governor suspended for questioning LGBT education   2019
18 Drag Queen Story Hour is ‘Indoctrination’ of Children Into LGBTQ Culture   2019
17 New Teacher Bill a Training Wreck   2019
16 MassResistance activists help conservative Colorado town confront “Drag Queen Story Hour” in public library   2018
15 The March of the Homosexual Movement   2018
14 Schools Give Permission the Slip on Sex Education   2018
13 Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes   2017
12 Disney Airs its First Gay Kiss   2017
11 Groundbreaking new documentary exposes ‘lie’ of comprehensive sex-ed programs Pete Baklinski 2016
10 Primary schools allow boys to wear skirts   2016
9 Chicago   Showers Locker Room Policy with Criticism   2015
8 Gabriele   Kuby’s The Global Sexual Revolution: a must-read book in defence of the   family Steve Weatherbe 2015
7 How   Same-Sex Marriage Threatens Christian Schools Joe Carter 2015
6 The   Selling of Homosexuality Dr. Nathaniel Lehrman 2007
5 What 'gay marriage' did to   Massachusetts MassResistance 2013
4 Children's   book portraying homosexual romance and marriage -- read to second-grade class   by teacher MassResistance  
3 "Who's   in a family?" - in the Diversity Book Bag MassResistance  
2 Homosexuals   brainwashing our children in elementary schools MassResistance  
1 What   same-sex "marriage" has done to Massachusetts Brian Camenker 2008



MassResistance activists help conservative Colorado town confront “Drag Queen Story Hour” in public library