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# Title Author Published   Year
37 Same-Sex Parenting Research – A Critical Assessment   2023
36 Surrogacy and its victims Ericka Andersen 2022
35 Defending Marriage Is ‘Social Justice for Children Ben Johnson 2022
34 Are the Kids Alright? Jennifer Lahl 2021
33 This Gay Dad Lost Custody of His Own Kids. His Case Matters for All Children. Katy Faust 2020
32 Are Planned Children from Lesbian Couples more likely to become Lesbian or Bisexual? Christopher H. Rosik 2019
31 Sociologist: Evidence shows homosexual parenting harms children   2019
30 New Book that support claim Children do best with a mother and a father launches in London   2018
29 Daughter of famed sci-fi author reveals sexual horrors she suffered growing up in LGBT home   2018
28 Emotional Problems among Children with Same-Sex Parents: Difference by Definition   2017
27 Same Sex Couples & Children   2017
26 Buzzfeed Glorifies Lesbian Couple Attempting To ‘Queer’ Their Toddler Peter Hasson 2017
25 Christian businessman receives felony conviction for helping girl escape lesbian ‘mother’ Matthew Cullinan Hoffman 2016
24 Legislature Can’t Answer Child’s Question: ‘Which   Parent Do I Not Need: Mom or Dad?’ Fred Lucas 2013
23 Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting Heather   Barwick 2015
22 Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay   ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court Lauretta Brown 2015
21 Homosexual Parent Study: Summary of Findings Peter Sprigg  
20 New Research on Same-Sex Households Reveals Kids Do   Best With Mom and Dad Mark Regnerus    2015
19 Same-Sex Parenting: Child Abuse? Robert Oscar   Lopez    2013
18 Voice from children raised by same-sex   couples(pp13-29)    
17 Washington Times Graphic on Homosexual Parenting   Study Reveals Risks of Having Lesbian ‘Mothers’ Mark Regnerus 2012
16 Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships   Report Varied Outcomes   2012
15 4-34Homosexual Couples and Parenting: What Science Can   and Cannot Say(pp4-34) A.Dean Byrd 2011
14 What can we learn from studies of children raised   by gay or lesbian parents? David J.   Eggebeen 2012
13 New Study On Homosexual Parents Tops All Previous   Research Peter Sprigg  
12 And They Call This Research? Bill   Muehlenberg 2014
11 Two US states say gay "marriage" bad for   children Anthony Ozimic 2014
10 Dawn Stefanowicz    
9 Same-Sex Parenting and High School Graduation Rates Christopher   Rosik 2014
8 New Family Structures Research and the “No   Differences” Claim Ana Samuel 2012
7 Exposing the Schlock Social Science on Gay   Parenting—Part 1 ED WHELAN 2012
6 Does it really make no difference if your parents   are straight or gay? Mark Regnerus 2012
5 Family Structures Study    
4 My adoptive dad abused me for years but social   workers ignored my complaints because he's gay STEVE ROBSON 2013
3 The Effects of Marriage, Civil Union, and Domestic   Partnership Laws on the Health and Well-being of Children Mark McConnell 2006
2 A Child\'s Experience    
1 "Love   Isn’t Enough: 5 Reasons Why Same-Sex Marriage Will Harm Children" Trayce L.   Hansen 2012