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Contents of 『Transgender issues』

# Title Author Published Year
158 UK report debunks claim that halting puberty blockers increases suicide in gender-confused youth Jonathon Van Maren 2024
157 Doctors Urge Top US Medical Orgs to Stop Harming Kids With Transgender Surgeries, Hormones Mary Margaret Olohan 2024
156 New Documentary Details Female Sexual Assault Survivor’s Story Of Being Incarcerated With Trans Inmate KATE ANDERSON 2024
155 ‘Remarkably Weak Evidence’: Groundbreaking U.K. Report Slams Puberty Blockers   2024
154 ‘Remarkably Weak Evidence’: Groundbreaking U.K. Report Slams Puberty Blockers Juliana Chan Erikson 2024
153 When trans rights trump babies’ rights   2024
152 Violence in pornography could be fueling transgenderism among girls: here’s why   2024
151 Gender Reassignment Is No Cure for Mental Health Issues: Study Joshua Arnold 2023
150 Sex is a Biological Trait of Medical Significance   2023
149 Study: Mothers of Trans Kids Have Mental Problems   2023
148 Two sexes, created to be distinct Kevin DeYoung 2023
147 “Gender-affirming care” is medical malpractice Steven Wedgeworth 2023
146 Transgender Surgery Leaves People Lonelier, Depressed: Study by Transgender Surgery Dept. Chair Ben Johnson 2023
145 Trans celebrity ‘Jazz’ Jennings admits he still has mental issues after ‘sex change’ Matt Lamb 2023
144 There could be many violent reactions to transgenderism's collapse David Freddoso 2023
143 A Harmless Drag Show? No Such Thing.   2023
142 Richard Dawkins: 'As a Biologist, There Are Two Sexes and That's All There Is To It' MICHAEL W. CHAPMAN 2023
141 US medical group condemns chemical surgical mutilation of the gender confused Matt Lamb 2023
140 The scientific revolt against gender ideology has begun Kaylee McGhee White 2023
139 Transgender people on hormones face seven times higher risk of stroke and increased risk of heart attack: Study Julia Johnson 2023
138 Doctors consider uterine transplants for male pregnancy Juliana Chan Erikson) 2023
137 Washington State Health Dept says. transmasculine persons with a cervix should get cancer screenings. Ashley Sadler 2023
136 How these parents helped their son reject transgender lies and affirm his real identity NANCY PEARCEY 2023
135 How did human ancestors get confused into thinking there were only two genders?   2022
134 British man who identified as Korean girl detransitions after multiple surgeries finds Christ Jonathon Van Maren 2022
133 Diagnosing Gender Dysphoria in Children: An Explainer Jennifer Bauwens 2022
132 https://creation.com/eve-defining-woman Andrew Sibley 2022
131 These 3 Women Tried Transgenderism, and Then Stopped Gillian Richards 2022
130 Transgender ideology is gradually erasing women and girls from reality Jonathon Van Maren 2022
129 ‘Detransitioner’ tells all in horrifying account of what ‘gender affirmation’ really means   2022
128 Sex abnormalities and transgender Timothy D. 2022
127 Biological Men Have Won 28 Women’s Sports Titles Since 2003 Dan Hart 2022
126 The science behind gender ideology is bunk   2022
125 This Mom Says Transgender Movement Took Her Daughter’s Life Virginia Allen 2022
124 Web of deception. The “fake reality” and peer contagion of the internet are leading many teen girls into transgenderism Mary Jackson 2022
123 Binary-coded human beings Ari Takku 2022
122 Biological Sex Isn’t Up for Debate   2022
121 Top pediatrician: Teenage transgender medicine a deadly path Tori Richards 2022
120 Writer Regrets Sex-Change Surgery Nearly 30 Years Later Laurel Duggan 2022
119 What I’ve Learned Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy Charlie Jacobs 2021
118 Twix Ad Features Boy in Princess Dress, Insinuates Violence Against Those Who Oppose Transgenderism   2021
117 Protecting the Vulnerable: A Call to Uphold Ethical Standards in Treating Gender Confusion Jennifer Bauwens 2021
116 Inconvenient Truth: No One Actually Changes Gender, Only Persona Walt Heyer 2021
115 Female Inmate Pregnant After Being Forced To Share Prison With Biological Men Claiming To Be Transgender Ashe Schow 2021
114 Research shows therapy successfully treats most cases of transgenderism Raymond Wolfe 2021
113 Transgender ‘detransitioners’ expose dangers to children from too-quick-to-castrate therapists, doctors Doug Mainwaring 2021
112 These Transgender Individuals Regret Transitioning. Parents Need to Hear Their Stories. Nicole Russell 2021
111 Nurse mistakes pregnant transgender man as obese. Then, the man births a stillborn baby. Marilynn Marchione 2021
110 From transgendered to transformed Anne Reed 2021
109 Newsweek courageously warns: Sex-change surgery might destroy your life Scott Newgent 2021
108 Banned from researching trans David Scullion 2021
107 Banned from researching trans Jennifer Lahl 2021
106 ‘Transition’ Treatment Harms Kids, Veteran Psychiatrist at UK Gender Clinic Says Nicole Russell 2021
105 Abuse of Women in Sports Under the Guise of Trans Rights Deserves a #MeToo Moment   2021
104 There’s an industry to provide transgender kids with ‘accessories’ they weren’t born with   2021
103 The Harms of Transgender Logic Joseph Backholm 2020
102 Police remove teen girl from Australian parents over their ‘abusive’ refusal to let her ‘transition’ to boy Pete Baklinski 2020
101 Why This Detransitioning UK Woman Sued a Gender Clinic Nicole Russell 2020
100 300 Female Athletes Back Idaho’s Barring of Transgender Biological Males From Women’s Sports Virginia Allen 2020
99 More evidence of correlation between transgender and autism in UK study Michael Cook 2020
98 The Message That YouTube Doesn’t Want You to Hear Maureen Collins 2020
97 The Message That YouTube Doesn’t Want You to Hear Doug Mainwaring 2020
96 ‘Sex Change’ Isn’t Surgically Possible, My Surgeon Testified in Court Walt Heyer 2020
95 Trans ‘Woman’ Smashes Four Female Weightlifting Records at One Event   2020
94 Female prisoner sues prison, says ‘trans’ male inmate raped her   2020
93 Biologists in WSJ: Only Two Sexes, Male and Female, There is No Sex 'Spectrum' Michael W. Chapman 2020
92 Nike Swooshes in to Attack Women's Sports   2020
91 Risks of ‘chest binders’ for trans kids include broken ribs, collapsed lungs Jonathon Van Maren 2020
90 The Starbucks Stop Here Tony Perkins 2020
89 Mental Health Diagnoses among Transgender Patients in the Clinical Setting: An All-Payer 90   2020
88 Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year, ‘They,’ Is Politically Correct Nonsense Nicole Russell 2019
87 ‘Keep That Opinion to Your Own House,’ Teacher Tells Scottish Teen Who Contended There Are Only Two Genders   2019
86 This High School Teacher Was Fired for What He Didn’t Say Maureen Collins 2019
85 Hundreds of transgender youths who had gender reassignment surgery wish they hadn't and want to transition back, says trans rights champion EMER SCULLY 2019
84 Transgender Players Disrupt Women’s Rugby in Britain Peter Hasson 2019
83 跨性別活躍份子:我們很正常,但你們必須付費來改造我們 Peter Sprigg 2019
82 No Men in Women’s Sports   2019
81 Doctors need to examine their motives on trans teens    2019
80 John Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Gender Confusions Are Mostly Driven by Psychological and Psychosocial Problems’ Craig Bannister 2019
79 This Teacher Came Out to His Students as Transgender, and Expects Them to Go Along With It Nicole Russel 2019
78 Wisconsin Science Teacher Experiments with Gender   2019
77 Owe Canada? Christian Fined Thousands for Trans Stance   2019
76 One School’s Undress Rehearsal for the Equality Act   2019
75 Dangerous assault on women   2019
73 The Sinister Side of the Gender War   2019
72 Fit but unequal   2019
71 Uphold definition of sex   2018
70 Teacher Faces Punishment over Objections to Girls Taking Showers with Boys Todd Starnes 2018
69 3 More Reasons Why the Transgender Revolution Will Fail MICHAEL BROWN 2018
68 Biological Male Wins World Championship Event in Women’s cycling Peter Hasson 2018
67 Georgia Decaturs to the Far Left   2018
66 Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior Russell B. Toomey, Amy K. Syvertsen, Maura Shramko 2018
65 What might cause Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria?   2018
64 Why it is so important that the UK government has admitted that trans identification is a belief Carys Moseley 2018
63 The Killer Side Effects of Trans Treatments   2018
62 Seven reasons why the transgender revolution will fail Michael L. Brown 2018
61 FL Fitness Center Endangers Women   2018
60 Cross-sex Hormones and Acute Cardiovascular Events in Transgender Persons: A Cohort Study   2018
59 Feminists Clash with Transgenders at London Pride Parade TYLER O'NEIL 2018
58 Christian doctor is sacked by the Government for refusing to identify patients by their preferred gender because he believes sex is established by at birth GEORGE MARTIN 2018
57 UK Schools Are Banning Skirts in Favor of Gender Neutral Options Grace Carr 2018
56 Law Firm Faces Charges for Defending Women’s Homeless Shelter Todd Starnes 2018
55 Opposing the Transgender Movement Amy Contrada 2018
54 96% of transgender youth engage in self-harm: study   2018
53 The Psychopathology of “Sex Reassignment” Surgery Assessing Its Medical, Psychological, and Ethical Appropriateness   2018
52 There Is No Solid Evidence of Genetic Basis for Trans Identity Walt Heyer 2018
51 Transgender activists: ‘gender unicorn’ is passé; time for the ‘gender elephant’ Calvin Freiburger 2018
50 Welcome to Transgender Trend   2018
49 A Resolution Regarding Human Sexual Identity   2018
48 Risking Offense in the Trans Pronoun Debate – Because Truth Matters Eric Metaxas 2018
47 Parents Just Lost Custody of Teenage Daughter Who Wants to ‘Transition’ to a Boy: What You Need to Know Ryan T. Anderson 2018
46 Court: Accept Your Child's New Gender or Lose Custody   2018
45 The Transgender Suicide Rate Isn’t Due To Discrimination Daniel Payne 2018
44 Transgender Ideology Is Riddled With Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones. Ryan T. Anderson 2018
43 Transgender Ideology Hurts Kids Ryan T. Anderson 2018
42 Feminists bash male-born ‘trans woman’ elected head of women’s group: he’s not a ‘real woman’ Lianne Laurence 2018
41 Feminists bash male-born ‘trans woman’ elected head of women’s group: he’s not a ‘real woman’ Walt Heyer 2018
40 Study Confirms Gender Is Not Social Construct   2018
39 Trans books pushed on nursery children   2017
38 I’m a Pediatrician. Here’s What I Did When a Little Boy Patient Said He Was a Girl. Michelle Cretella 2017
37 Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden   2017
36 New Johns Hopkins Study Proves Transgenderism Is A Mental Disorder   2017
35 Real-Life Victims of the Transgender 'Cult'   2017
34 Transgenderism and Cancer Mike Konrad 2017
33 Girlguiding UK Allows ‘Transgender’ Guides to Share Showers, Tents with Girls Virginia Hale 2017
32 Backlash from Australia against transgender weightlifter   2017
31 Engaging the transgender debate with truth and grace Lita Cosner 2017
30 Sex-Change Surgery Regrets on the Rise   2017
29 Pediatrician drops a bomb on idea that transgenderism is real — completely destroys it with truth   2017
28 Allowing Transgender Olympians Is Unfair To Women   2017
27 Gender Dysphoria in Children   2017
26 Gender Identity Harms Women   2017
25 The Dangers Of Treating Transgenderism Differently Than Other Dysphoric Mental Disorders   2017
24 Bravo to the Truth: What’s Wrong with Transgender Ideology Walt Heyer 2017
23 Gender Dysphoria in Children: summary points   2017
22 Gender Identity and Autism Spectrum Disorders   2017
21 Gender dysphoria and autism spectrum disorder: A narrative review   2017
20 Science finds 1,500 genetic differences between boys and girls, destroys ‘transgender’ arguments Pete Baklinski 2017
19 ‘Radical feminist’ group joins forces with Christian charity to fight trans bathroom laws   2017
18 Bathroom Bills and Pandora’s Box   2017
17 National Geographic Devotes Entire Issue in Support of Transgender Kids Lynn Jolly 2017
16 Children who believe they are transgender 'could have autism', says controversial expert Nicola Harley 2017
15 A Nine-Year-Old Boy is Spreading a "Contagion of Mass Delusion" Walt Heyer 2017
14 Transgender encounters GOD, and is restored   2017
13 The Transgender Movement and “Gender Identity” in the Law Peter Sprigg 2016
12 Parents Warned they Could Lose Custody of Fourteen-Year-Old Over This Michael Ware 2016
11 Is it fair to Allow Transgendered Males to Compete against Women in Sporting Events?  Michael Ware 2016
10 Black Pastors Call Out Obama For Insulting African-Americans With This Statement Constitution.com 2016
9 Transgender Regret Is Real Even If The Media Tell You Otherwise Walt Heyer 2015
8 Child Healing: Strengthening Families   2015
7 7 Questions About Transgender People, Answered The Federalist Staff 2016
6 USCCB Chairmen Respond To Administration’s New Guidance Letter On Title IX Application   2016
5 Transgender Activists Put Ideology Above Safety Peter Sprigg 2016
4 Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter Peter Baklinski 2014
3 Washington State bathroom rule obliterates men’s and women’s rooms Lisa Bourne 2016
2 Gender Ideology Harms Children   2016
1 Understanding and Responding to the Transgender Movement Dale O’Leary, Peter Sprigg 2015