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Uphold definition of sex



美國司法部代理司法部長馬太•惠特克(Matthew Whitaker)

美國衛生與公共服務部長亞歷克斯•阿扎(Alex Azar)

美國教育部長貝齊•狄維士(Betsy DeVos)






2017年2月22日,司法部與教育部聯合發出了一封「親愛的同事(Dear Colleague)」信,撤銷了上屆政府發佈的、前所未有的「指導方針」-該指導方針旨在將教育法修正案第九章中的性別定義擴大到包括性別認同(gender identity)。2017年10月4日,司法部發表了一份關於1964年《民權法》第七條的備忘錄,澄清性別認同在法律上沒有被包括在性別的定義中,並指出「性別(sex)」的普通含義是基於生物學上的。《紐約時報》2018年10月21日刊登的一篇關於衛生與公共服務部(Department of Health and Human Services,HHS)一份被洩露的備忘錄的文章,使我們相信,HHS正在延續這一趨勢,並促使各個機構努力對性別作出一個統一、科學的定義。我們寫信來讚揚並鼓勵這種努力。




根據醫學研究所(Institute of Medicine),性別是一個狹義的生物學術語。性別是一種生物學特性,它根據性染色體和生殖器官的存在的互補性將生物定義為男性和女性。i美國精神病學協會(American Psychiatric Association)將性別定義為「男性和女性(在生殖能力這個意義上去理解)的生物指示,如性染色體、性腺、性激素,以及清楚的內外生殖器。」ii


人類的性別,從懷孕開始,就是一種二元性的、由生物學特徵決定的、和不可改變的特質。人類設計的標準,就是受孕為男性或女性。人類的性徵(Human sexuality)的設計是二元的,其明顯目的就是我們物種的繁殖。這個原則是不言而喻的。「XY」和「XX」分別是男性和女性的遺傳標記,並且存在於包括大腦在內的人體的每個細胞中。性別是在受孕時確定的,在子宮內顯明,在出生時被認識到。




那些認同為跨性別的人,理應得到最佳的治療,而這種治療會受到生物性別(biological sex,或生理性別)的影響。在現實中,一個認同為跨性別的人仍然是一個生物(生理)男性或女性。這一客觀生物學事實不僅影響他們性別特異性的疾病,還影響他們健康的其他方面。


影響兩性的疾病在男性和女性中往往具有不同的頻率、表達、和對治療的反應,因此,男性和女性可能需要不同的預防、診斷、和治療方法。不受跨性別政治限制的醫生和科學家們,他們非常清楚,如果我們按照病人的不協調的性別認同(discordant gender identity)-而不是按照他們的真實性別-來治療,結果可能是災難性的。i例如,心臟藥物貝塔佩斯(Betapace),在女性中引起一種被稱為尖端扭轉型室性心動過速(torsades de pointes)的致命的心臟節律的可能性,比在男性中的可能性要大三倍。iv


性別不是一個譜系(spectrum),先天性疾病(congenital disorders)不是額外的性別。人類性別發展的最終結果,在超過99.98%的情況下,無可置疑地是男性或女性。「雌雄間性(Intersex)」是一個術語,包含導致性別模糊(sex ambiguity)和/或性染色體和外觀不匹配的各種先天性的性發育障礙。這些疾病在所有出生中發生少於0.02%。v, vi一個譜系被定義為「一個連續分佈」或一個「沒有特定結果比其他結果更有可能」的分佈。vi顯然,罕見的性發育障礙並不構成一個性譜系。


正如加州大學聖芭芭拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)的進化生物學家科林·賴特(Colin Wright)博士最近所寫的,「説根據解剖學和遺傳學對人的性別進行分類是『沒有科學依據』的這種說法本身沒有現實依據,因為任何顯示出超過99.98%的預測準確率的方法,會是所有生命科學中最精確的方法之一。」vi


利用先天性疾病,以提出説人類有眾多的性別存在於一個譜系上這一個神話,是意識形態和政治活動主義,而不是科學。性別認同不是身體、大腦、或去氧核糖核酸(DNA)中任何一種不可改變的特徵。性別認同是一個人對其身體的意識和接納程度。性別認同可能在事實上是正確的或在事實上是不正確的,而且,與性別不同,性別認同可能會改變。例如,在61-98%的病例中,患有性別焦慮症(gender dysphoria)的兒童在成年時會逐漸認同他們的生物(生理)性別。viii另外,那些尋求手術來徹底扭轉他們過去的性別重置(sex reassignment,「變性」)手術的成年人的數量也有所增加。ix


説維持對性別的科學定義會增加跨性別者自殺的說法是錯誤的。那些認同為跨性別的人可能對他們自己和他們的身體有錯誤的看法。與一般人群相比,他們受著真正的情緒困擾,並有更高的精神疾病-包括自殺意念-的風險。然而,社會和醫學的「性別轉變和確認(gender transition and affirmation)」證明並未能降低自殺率。








更令人擔憂的是,性別認同已被用於允許生理男性進入本來為婦女而設的空間。結果,有女孩和婦女在婦女收容所、xiii, xiv女子監獄xv、甚至小學女生洗手間xvi,受到生理男性的性侵犯。










Michelle Cretella, M.D. Executive Director, American College of Pediatricians (美國兒科醫師學會執行董事)

Donna Harrison, M.D. Executive Director, American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (美國支持生命的婦科醫師協會執行董事)

David Stevens, M.D. CEO, Christian Medical and Dental Associations (基督教醫科和牙科協會首席執行官)

Peter Morrow, M.D. President, Catholic Medical Association (天主教醫學會總裁)

Stephen M. Krason, Ph.D. President, Society of Catholic Social Scientists (天主教社會科學家協會總裁)

Paul McHugh, M.D. University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical School (約翰霍普金斯大學醫學院大學傑出精神病學教授) and the former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital (約翰霍普金斯大學醫學院精神科主任)

Michael K. Laidaw, M.D. Endocrinologist (內分泌學家) and member of gdworkinggroup.org

Craig Stump M.D., Ph.D., FACE Endocrinologist(內分泌學家), University of Arizona College of Medicine (亞利桑那州立大學醫學院)

Paul W. Hruz M.D., Ph.D. Pediatric Endocrinologist (小兒內分泌學家), Physician-Scientist (醫師-科學家), Associate Professor of Pediatrics (兒科副教授), Associate Professor of Cellular Biology & Physiology (細胞生物學與生理學副教授)

Angela Lanfranchi M.D. FACS Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (洛格斯-羅伯特·伍德·詹森醫學院外科臨床助理教授)

Susan J Bradley, M.D., FRCP(C) Professor Emerita, University of Toronto (多倫多大學榮譽教授)

J. Michael Bailey, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology Northwestern University (西北大學心理學教授)

Marie T. Hilliard, MS, MA, JCL, Ph.D., RN The National Catholic Bioethics Center (國家天主教生物倫理中心)

Mary Lou Singleton, MSN, FPC-BC

Christopher Doyle, LPC Co-Founder National Task Force for Therapy Equality (全國維護治療平等專門工作組共同創始人)

David Pickup, LMFT Co-Founder National Task Force for Therapy Equality(全國維護治療平等專門工作組共同創始人)

Laura Haynes, Ph.D., California Licensed Psychologist USA Representative, International Federation for Therapeutic and Counseling Choice (IFTCC.org) (國際治療和咨詢選擇聯合會美國代表)

Michael Farris, J.D. President, CEO, & General Counsel Alliance Defending Freedom (捍衞自由聯盟首席執行官和總法律顧問)

Matthew D. Staver, Esq. Founder and President, Liberty Council (自由理事會創始人和總裁)

Charles LiMandri, J.D. Founder and President, Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund (良心自由辯護基金創始人和總裁)

Robert J. Muise, Esq. Co-Founder, American Freedom Law Center (美國自由法律中心共同創始人)

Gerard V. Bradley, J.D. Professor of Law University of Notre Dame (美國聖母大學法學教授)

Steven D. Smith, J.D. Warren Distinguished Professor of Law University of San Diego (聖地亞哥大學傑出法學教授)

Maimon Schwarzschild, J.D. Professor of Law University of San Diego (聖地亞哥大學法學教授)

Larry Alexander, LL.B. Warren Distinguished Professor of Law University of San Diego (聖地亞哥大學傑出法學教授)

Tony Perkins President Family Research Council (家庭研究理事會總裁)

Frank Cannon President American Principles Project (美國原則項目總裁)

Matthew J. Franck, Ph.D. Senior Fellow, Witherspoon Institute (威瑟斯龐研究所高級研究員)

Sharon Slater President, Family Watch International (國際家庭觀察總裁)

Austin Ruse President, Center for Family and Human Rights (家庭和人權中心總裁)

Allan C. Carlson, Ph.D., Editor, The Natural Family: An International Journal of Research and Policy (自然家庭:國際研究和政策雜誌編輯)

Patrick Lee, Ph.D. McAleer Professor of Bioethics Center for Bioethics, Franciscan University of Steubenville (斯丟本維爾方濟各會大學生物倫理學中心教授)

Christopher Wolfe, Ph.D. Distinguished Affiliate Professor, University of Dallas President, American Public Philosophy Institute (達拉斯大學校長、美國公共哲學研究所,傑出副教授)

Rev. D. Paul Sullins, Ph.D. Research Professor of Sociology and Director, Leo Institute for Catholic Social Research, The Catholic University of America (美國天主教大學利奧天主教社會研究所所長,社會學研究教授)

Robert G Kennedy, Ph.D. Department of Catholic Studies University of St. Thomas (聖托馬斯大學天主教研究系博士)

Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Founder and President, The Ruth Institute (魯斯研究所創始人和總裁)




i Exploring the Biological Contributions to Human Health: Does Sex Matter? In: Wizemann TM, editor; Pardue ML, editor. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2001.

ii American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5 (Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013), p. 829.

iii “Researchers Identify 6,500 Genes That Are Expressed Differently in Men and Women,” Weizmann Wonder Wander (Weizmann Institute of Science), May 3, 2017, online at: https://wiswander.weizmann.ac.il/life-sciences/researchers-identify-6500-genes-are-expressed-differentlymen-and-women; reporting on: Moran Gershoni and Shmuel Pietrokovski, “The landscape of sex-differential transcriptome and its consequent selection in human adults,” BMC Biology 15:7 (2017), which says, “[T]here are over 6500 protein-coding genes with significant SDE [sex differential expression] in at least one tissue.” Online at: https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s12915-017-0352-z

iv Lehmann MH, et. al. Circulation. 1996 Nov 15; 94(10):2535-41. Abstract available online at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8921798

v Sax L. “How Common is Intersex? A Response to Anne Fausto-Sterling,” Journal of Sex Research 39:3 (August 2002), pp. 174-178. Online at: http://www.leonardsax.com/how-common-is-intersex-a-response-to-anne-fausto-sterling/

vi Wright C. "The New Evolution Deniers." Quillette. Nov 30, 2018. Available online at: https://quillette.com/2018/11/30/the-new-evolution-deniers/

vii McHugh PR, Mayer LS. "Sexuality and Gender findings from the Biological, Psychological and Social Sciences." The New Atlantis. Fall 2016. Available online at: https://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/introduction-sexuality-and-gender

viii Ristori J, Steensma TD. Gender dysphoria in childhood. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2016; 28(1):13-20.

ix Borreli L. "Transgender Surgery: Regret Rates Highest In Male to Female Reassignment Operations." Newsweek. October 3, 2017. Available online at: https://www.newsweek.com/transgender-women-transgender-men-sex-change-sex-reassignmentsurgery-676777

x Haas AP, Rodgers PL & Herman J. "Suicide Attempts Among Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults: Findings of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey,” Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, January 2014. Available online at: http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu

xi Cecilia Dhejne, et al., “Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden,” PLoS ONE 6 (2011); online at: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885

xii Mayer R. "Transgender Track Athlete Wins CT State Championship, Debate Ensues." June 13, 2018. CBS News. Available online at: https://newyork.cbslocal.com/2018/06/13/transgendertrack-athletes-win-connecticut-state-championship-debate-ensues/

xiii Hoggard, Corin. "Shelter forced women to shower with person who identified as a transgender woman and sexually harassed them, lawsuit says." ABC 30 Action News, Fresno, CA, May 23, 2018; online at: https://abc30.com/homeless-women-harassed-in-shower-lawsuit-says/3514544/

xiv Sam Pazzano, “Predator who claimed to be transgender declared dangerous offender,” Toronto Sun, February 26, 2014; online at: http://www.torontosun.com/2014/02/26/predator-who-claimedto-be-transgender-declared-dangerous-offender

xv Janet Fife-Yeomans, “Sex change killer Maddison Hall to be free as a bird,” Daily Telegraph, April 2, 2010; online at: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/sex-change-killer-to-befree-as-a-bird/newsstory/b1fecc9a9a4717607de6e980980e0ba5?sv=e95663cd723e2f8ffa0caa3329e03203

xvi Alliance Defending Freedom, “US opens investigation into sexual assault of minor child in Georgia, violation of Title IX,” Press Release (October 3, 2018); online at: http://www.adfmedia.org/News/PRDetail/99205?search=1.