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同卵双生儿无论在基因构成、怀孕期所接受荷尔蒙等都一样;若性倾向正如种族,纯粹是基因使然,或受怀孕期荷尔蒙影响,此类双生儿的性倾向同发率应是100%,但目前实际比率最多只及20%。[1]人类基因项目前研究总监Francis Collins博士论相关问题道,性倾向「并非由基因使然,就算有影响,也只涉有利某种倾向发展之条件,而非决定因素」。[2]











Michelle Cretella医生是美国儿科医生大学副校长,该校青少年性行为委员会成员,美国儿科学会成员。本文更详尽版本参美国儿科医生大学网页http://www.acpeds.org/adolescents-therapeutic-choice-and-scientific-integrity)。


[1] Collins, F. The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. New York. Free Press. 2007 (p. 260).

[2] Ibid. p.263.

[3] American Psychological Association fact sheet available from: http://www.psychiatry.org/mental-health/people/lgbt-sexual-orientation [accessed February 13, 2014].

[4] Roberts AL., Glymour MM., Koenen KC. "Does maltreatment in childhood affect sexual orientation in adulthood?" Arch Sex Behav. 2013 Feb; 42(2):161-71. doi: 10.1007/s10508-012-0021-9. Epub 2012 Sep 14.

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[6] Savin-Williams, RC and Ream, GL (2007), "Prevalence and Stability of Sexual Orientation Components During Adolescence and Young Adulthood," Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 385-394.

[7] Ibid.

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[9] http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/sexualbehaviors/pdf/hiv_factsheet_ymsm.pdf [accessed February 12, 2014].

[10] Ibid.

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[16] Santero, P., Whitehead N., Ballasteros, (2014) "Change Effects in U.S. Men with Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction after Therapy". Psychological Reports (in process; personal communication w/ Dr. Whitehead February 3, 2014).

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[18] Spitzer, R.L. (2003). Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual orientation? 200 participants reporting a change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation. Oct; 32(5):403-17; discussion 419-72.

[19] Nicolosi, J., Byrd, A.D., Potts, R.W. (2000). "Retrospective Self-reports of Changes in Homosexual Orientation: A Consumer Survey of Conversion Therapy Clients." Psychological Reports, 86, 1071-1088。另参http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/shouldnt_same_sex_oriented_teens_be_given_a_chance_to_change#sthash.lfHoKVnp.dpuf