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# Title Author Published Year
34 ‘Really Bad Science’: Biden Admin Admits LGBT Lifestyle Produces Worse Mental Health and Addiction Ben Johnson 2023
33 How the LGBT movement is making young women depressed   2023
32 The parable of monkeypox   2022
31 DOJ: Domestic Violence More Than Twice as High Among Homosexuals as Among Heterosexuals   2022
30 In Denial Over Gay-Driven Monkeypox Bill Donohue 2022
29 Shigella Infection Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)   2022
28 Census Bureau: ‘LGBT Adults…Reported Roughly Twice the Rate of Mental Health Challenges as Non-LGBT Adults’   2022
27 CDC, WHO willingly overlooks monkeypox’s spread through men having sex with me   2022
26 CDC officials sound alarm for gay and bisexual men as monkeypox spreads in community SPENCE KIMBALL 2022
25 CDC: LGBs Have Higher Rates of Health Conditions Associated With Serious COVID Than Heterosexuals Michael W. Chapman 2021
24 The hidden horror of homosexuality: Rape Bryan Fischer 2020
23 Same-Sex Sexuality and Psychiatric Disorders in the Second Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS-2)   2018
22 The Health Hazards of Homosexuality   2018
21 Gay teens make up 92 percent of HIV cases in their age group Peter LaBarbera 2017
20 Blood donor policy   2016
19 What’s wrong with being “gay”?   Here’s what they don’t tell you -- and it’s really disturbing MassResistance.org 2016

The Safe   Sex Illusion: An Urgent Message of Warning to Gay Men

Alan P. Medinger  
17 Sexual   Risk Avoidance (SRA) Education & Gay Teens    
16 HRC Founder Arrested for Raping   15-Year-Old Boy Matt   Barber 2014
15 Men   Living with Diagnosed HIV Who Have Sex with Men: Progress Along the Continuum   of HIV Care — United States, 2010 Sonia   Singh, Heather Bradley, Xiaohong Hu, Jacek Skarbinski, H. Irene Hall, Amy   Lansky 2014

AFTAH Flier on Homosexual Health   Risks – Is All Love ‘Equal’? – Passed Out at Canada U-Regina Protest


Myth Number 1: The heterosexual   and the homosexual lifestyles are equally desirable


What   Research Shows: NARTH’s Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality

James   E. Phelan Neil Whitehead Philip M. Sutton 2009

HIV and PC Madness

Bill   Muehlenberg 2014
10 Royal   College claim that homosexuality is compatible with normal health is   outrageous and false Christian   Concern.org 2014

Rise   in Unprotected Sex by Gay Men Spurs H.I.V. Fears

Donald G. McNeil Jr. 2013
8 Are Homosexuals more often Pedophiles?    
7 Financial Impact of HIV/AIDS Matt   Slick  

Smoking and Alcohol: It's Just   Another Lifestyle: What Health Risks?

Rich   Deem 2009
5 Health   Risks of the Homosexual Lifestyle   2014
4 How   could gay marriage harm anyone? Matt   Slick  
3 Estimated HIV Transmission Risk   per Exposure Jamison DT, Breman JG, Measham AR, et al., editors. 2006
2 Suicidal acts and ideation in   homosexual and bisexual young people: a study of prevalence and risk factors Van   Heeringen C1,Vincke J. 2000

